Web Accessibility Knowledgebase

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Web Accessibility Knowledgebase
October 9, 2024

Accessibility Compliance - Brief Guidelines

In a rapidly growing digital era where information is just a click away, it is important to ensure that everyone can access and interact with your website.

To make the online world more accessible, especially for people with disabilities, web accessibility initiative and compliance is critical. Several international regulations require website accessibility.

What Is Accessibility Compliance?

This may seem as a very broad term but it often refers to different types of accessibility laws that are implemented in various areas of business or in local laws.

In order for a website to be accessibility compliant, it has to ensure that people with disabilities have equal access to digital content as those without.

Disabilities come in a wide range and so compliance guidelines are the best way to try and cater to everyoneโ€™s needs.

Disabilities can be the following:

  • Visual โ€“ people who have partial or full blindness;
  • Physical โ€“ people who have loss of motor function or a degenerative motor disease;
  • Auditory โ€“ people with partial or full hearing loss;
  • Cognitive โ€“ people with various learning disabilities or some form of disease that impacts their cognitive function.

The various accessibility requirements aim to create an online environment where people with disabilities can effectively perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with websites. Oftentimes people with disabilities feel left out of day-to-day life, especially when they need to use assistive technologies.ย 

Since the internet and online environment are a huge part of modern society, people with impairments need to be included with digital accessibility.

Some accessibility requirements are written into the law for certain types of companies and organizations. For example, organizations in the public sector need to go by the global accessibility standards so they can include all the different types of people in a certain community. This is also true for government websites and those that provide communal services online.

There are a number of different worldwide and also regional requirements regarding accessibility, but most of them stem from the standards devised and updated by The World Wide Web Consortium or W3C. We are going to talk about those in a minute.

Website owners and developers also have to make sure that they comply with local requirements, which may vary from country to country.

Types of Accessibility Compliance

There are several major laws that apply in the United States. They apply to different types of organizations, including government and public agencies, private businesses, e-commerce, and more.ย 

The ADA, AODA, and WCAG are some of the most well-known laws. However, web accessibility rules and regulations are not limited to these.

WCAG Compliance

WCAG standards are Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. The Department of Justice defines them as the standard that every website must meet under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

These guidelines play a critical role in ensuring compliance with all laws and regulations. They include various guidelines and criteria that your site must meet to be considered web-accessible under the law.

Each website is evaluated on three levels:

  • Level A โ€“ this is the lowest level of compliance;
  • Level AA โ€“ this is the level of WCAG compliance that most website owners strive for;
  • Level AAA โ€“ this is the highest level of WCAG compliance a site can achieve. It is also the most difficult level to achieve, requiring your site to meet high accessibility standards.

ADA Website Compliance

ADA is the acronym for the Americans with Disabilities Act. The purpose of the act is to prevent discrimination against people with disabilities. Although it does not explicitly mention mandatory compliance with website accessibility requirements, government agencies in the United States consider web accessibility standards to beย  part of the ADA.

The Department of Justice, responsible for enforcing the Americans with Disabilities Act, refers to WCAG, Level AA, as a recommended accessibility compliance.

Section 508 Compliance

Under Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, all federal agencies in the USA, federal funding organizations, and vendors working with them must ensure that all information and communication technologies they purchase, maintain, and use provide equal rights to people with disabilities.

AODA Compliance

The AODA, or Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, is a law that applies to all public authorities, private businesses, and non-profit organizations in Ontario. It aims to protect people with disabilities and mitigate discrimination against those people.

EAA Compliance

The European Accessibility Act (EAA) refers to EN 301 549 โ€“ a European standard related to accessibility requirements for ICT. The law covers websites, hardware, and software and applies to all public and government organizations in the EU.

Examples of Website Accessibility Barriers

Understanding website accessibility barriers is crucial to tackling them effectively. There are many digital barriers for people with disabilities.

Here are the main website accessibility barriers:

  • Color contrast;
  • Hearing impairment;
  • Visual impairment;
  • Motor impairment;
  • Cognitive barriers, such as dyspraxia, dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia;
  • Keyboard accessibility;
  • Lack of navigation;
  • Buttons and images without alt text;
  • Multimedia without audio description, etc.

Why does Website Accessibility Matter?

Website accessibility provides full and equal enjoyment for all users, including those with disabilities. It is not just a legal requirement but a fundamental aspect of creating an inclusive online experience.

Ensuring accessibility means reaching people with disabilities who may face barriers when accessing various content, products, and services online. Beyond compliance, accessible websites improve user experience, enhance brand reputation, and increase business opportunities.

Last but not least, meeting all web accessibility compliances makes you a socially responsible company.

How Can I Achieve Website Accessibility Compliance?

Achieving website accessibility compliance involves various considerations.

It is essential to comply with all laws, regulations, directives, and standards that apply in the US, Canada, Europe, and worldwide, depending on who your target market is. You must also pay attention to the website design and each element in it.

Furthermore, detailed analysis will ensure that your website complies with all requirements. That is why we recommend using accessibility tools, such as QualiBooth software. It guarantees that your site is accessible to people with disabilities.

What Are the Risks of Not Following the Compliance?

A website not complying with the web accessibility standards is subject to legal action. Non-compliance may impede the progress that will improve user experience for all users, including people with disabilities.

Furthermore, it impacts your website's reputation. An inaccessible website can lead to negative public perception and be perceived as a lack of inclusivity and neglect of disabled people.

Why Trust Qualibooth for Your Accessibility Success?

QualiBooth Software is a tool that will scan and analyze every page element of your website on each visit to measure the level of accessibility. One of the most significant benefits of our accessibility software is that it continuously updates the data in real-time. It provides helpful information if there is an accessibility issue at any time.

The detailed insights our report and dashboards provide enable you and your developers to continuously improve your website while complying with accessibility compliances.

Be socially responsible and provide a complete experience for people with disabilities, meeting all necessary compliance.


What Is Accessibility Compliance?

Accessibility compliance refers to the adherence to standards established by different government agencies. They aim to provide equal web access for people with disabilities.

What Are the 4 Guidelines of Accessibility?

The four accessibility guidelines are perceivable, operable, understandable, and reliable.

What Is the Statement of Accessibility Compliance?

A statement of accessibility compliance is a formal declaration or document in which a public or private organization, website owner, or developer confirms its commitment to comply with specific accessibility standards.

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