Web Accessibility Knowledgebase

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Web Accessibility Knowledgebase
April 8, 2024

Common Accessibility Issues to Avoid

Welcome to the digital age, where accessibility is not just a best practice but a legal requirement and a moral imperative. As you move forward with technology, it’s important to make sure that all users can access your online content.

Unfortunately, many websites still struggle with accessibility, which can cause frustration for users with disabilities. From poorly designed forms to inaccessible navigation menus, there are many common issues that can hinder the user experience.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the most prevalent accessibility issues encountered on the web and provide you with practical tips on how to avoid them. By addressing these issues head-on, you can create a more inclusive online environment and make sure that everyone can access and interact with your content effectively.

So, let’s work together to make the web more accessible for everyone!

animated picture of a computer and it's settings
This image was downloaded from FreePik.com.

What Are Accessibility Issues?

In today’s digital era, accessibility is not just a buzzword but a crucial necessity for ensuring inclusivity and equal access to information for all individuals, irrespective of their abilities.

Accessibility errors pertain to the various barriers individuals with disabilities encounter when interacting with digital platforms, such as websites, applications, and documents. These barriers can range from minor inconveniences to significant hurdles that impede users’ ability to access and navigate content effectively.

Imagine browsing a website without the ability to see images, read unclear text, or try to fill out a form with no visible structure. These are just a few examples of the challenges people with disabilities face daily when engaging with digital content.

From insufficient alternative text for images to poorly designed forms and inadequate color contrast, these issues can create significant roadblocks for users with disabilities, hindering their ability to participate fully in the digital world.

However, accessibility issues go beyond inconvenience – they represent a fundamental issue of inclusivity and equal access to information. By addressing and remedying these challenges, we not only enhance the user experience for individuals with disabilities but also foster a more inclusive and equitable digital environment for all users.

This article will explore some of the most common accessibility issues encountered in digital content and provide practical tips and strategies for avoiding them. Whether you’re a web developer, content creator, or digital marketer, understanding and mitigating these issues is essential for creating a more accessible and user-friendly online experience for everyone.

So, let’s dive in deeper and learn how to make our digital content more inclusive and accessible to all.

animated picture of a woman using her device
This image was downloaded from FreePik.com.

What Are the Most Common Accessibility Issues?

Accessibility is a fundamental aspect of digital content creation that ensures that all users, including those with disabilities, can access and use digital information. However, despite efforts to improve digital accessibility, many issues can still arise, posing significant challenges to users with disabilities.

From visual and auditory impairments to cognitive disabilities, accessibility issues can manifest in various forms, making it crucial to understand the most common challenges faced by users with disabilities.

Insufficient Color Contrast

High color contrast between text and background is critical for creating inclusive and accessible content. Low color contrast can make it difficult for users with visual impairments or color blindness to read content, limiting their ability to access information.

Content creators can improve the readability of their content by selecting appropriate colors for text and background, using clear language, avoiding jargon, and considering how different devices and screen sizes may impact the user experience.

By prioritizing accessibility, content creators can ensure that their content is accessible to a broader range of users, resulting in increased engagement and better user satisfaction.

Heading Hierarchy

Improper use of heading tags can confuse the logical flow of content. It may cause navigation difficulties for screen reader users, challenging them to access the information they need. Therefore, it is essential to use heading tags correctly and consistently to ensure that everyone can access and understand the content without any hindrance.

Inaccurate or Missing Alt Text for Images

One important aspect of web accessibility is the inclusion of descriptive alternative text for images. Images with inaccurate alt text can make it difficult for users with visual impairments to understand the content and context of the image.

Also without alternative text, screen readers are unable to relay information about the image, making it difficult for users to understand what the image represents. This can impact the user experience and make accessing the information even more challenging.

By providing accurate and detailed alt text, web designers can ensure that all users have a meaningful and inclusive browsing experience regardless of their abilities.

Lack of Keyboard Accessibility and Navigability

It’s essential to keep in mind that websites and applications should be navigable using a keyboard alone, as this is crucial for users who rely on keyboard navigation because of motor disabilities.

When websites or applications fail to accommodate this need, they can exclude these users and limit their access to critical information or services. Therefore, it’s important to prioritize accessibility in website and application design to ensure everyone has equal access to the digital world.

Animated picture of a man using the web
This image was downloaded from FreePik.com.

Links Without Text Alternatives

When creating links on a website, it’s important to use descriptive text that provides meaningful context for all users, including those who rely on screen readers. Avoid using non-descriptive phrases like “click here” or “read more”, as they don’t provide enough information for someone using a screen reader to navigate effectively.

By using descriptive text that accurately describes the destination of the link, you can ensure that all users are able to navigate your website with ease and efficiency.

Speech Disabilities

It’s important to keep in mind that interactive elements that solely rely on speech input can exclude users with speech disabilities. With alternative input methods, these users are able to fully interact with the element, leading to a frustrating and exclusionary experience.

As such, it’s crucial to include alternative input methods catering to various users’ needs and abilities, ensuring everyone can easily access and use your content.

Deafness and Hearing Loss

One major accessibility challenge with audio content is the lack of transcripts or captions. Without these, users who are deaf or hard of hearing cannot access the information presented in the audio.

This can be a significant barrier to their participation in activities such as online learning, webinars, podcasts, and videos. Providing accurate transcripts or captions can make the content accessible to a broader range of users, including those with disabilities, and promotes inclusivity and diversity.

Too Many Navigation Links

When designing a website, it’s essential to keep in mind that overly complex navigation structures with an abundance of links can be overwhelming for users.

This is particularly true for those with cognitive disabilities or who use screen readers. To ensure a positive user experience, it’s best to simplify the navigation and reduce the number of links whenever possible.

By doing so, users can easily find what they are looking for and navigate the website with ease. By addressing common accessibility issues, we can ensure equal access to information and a better user experience for everyone, regardless of their abilities.

Making digital content accessible is a legal requirement and a moral obligation to ensure that everyone can access the same information, services, and products as everyone else.

Creating accessible digital content involves a range of considerations, such as designing intuitive navigation, providing alternative text for images, and ensuring that content is easy to understand and can be accessed through assistive technologies.

By incorporating these principles into our digital content, we can create a more inclusive and accessible online environment where everyone, including those with disabilities, can participate fully. By doing so, we can help create a more equitable and just society that values and respects the dignity of all its citizens.

Animated picture of a woman writing on her screen
This image was downloaded from FreePik.com.


Navigating the digital landscape involves more than just technical skills – it demands empathy, understanding, and a commitment to inclusivity. The online environment is plagued with common accessibility issues that can have a profound impact on individuals with disabilities.

These obstacles represent a roadblock to equal access and participation, from visual impairments to auditory challenges. However, our journey is not one of despair but rather of empowerment. By shining a light on these issues and offering insights into potential solutions, we have taken a crucial step towards building a more accessible digital world.

Through collective effort and a shared dedication to inclusivity, we have the power to tear down barriers and create digital spaces where everyone, regardless of ability, can thrive. It is important to remember that accessibility is not just an afterthought but a fundamental cornerstone of digital innovation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can organizations ensure their digital content is accessible to all users?

Organizations can ensure accessibility by adhering to web content accessibility guidelines and conducting regular audits and testing.

What are the consequences of inaccessible navigation menus?

Inaccessible navigation menus can hinder effective website navigation, causing frustration and preventing access to crucial content.

How can websites improve keyboard accessibility?

Websites should ensure that all interactive elements, such as links and buttons, can be accessed and activated using only the keyboard for improved accessibility.

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