Web Accessibility Knowledgebase

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Web Accessibility Knowledgebase
May 27, 2024

E-Commerce Accessibility: Improving Online Shopping Experiences

In the digital era that we currently live in, e-commerce is a fundamental part of our daily lives, helping us to purchase and buy safely and efficiently. Accessibility is a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of the e-commerce landscape, especially with the convenience and abundance of online stores.

Individuals with disabilities may face a lot of challenges while navigating online shopping. Considerations for users with disabilities involve designing interfaces that are easy to navigate using assistive technologies like voice commands or switches.

As technology evolves, prioritising e-commerce accessibility is a moral imperative and a strategic investment that can lead to long-term business growth and success.

Animated picture of a woman with a cart shoping online
This image was downloaded from Freepik.com

Why Is It Important for an E-commerce Website to Be Accessible?

When you, as an e-commerce website owner, ensure ecommerce web accessibility, you break down barriers and let individuals with disabilities enjoy the experience of accessing your products and services.

It is a moral obligation to ensure everyone has equal access and a win-win scenario. By making an accessible ecommerce website, you will reach a broader customer base. Simultaneously, users with disabilities will finally be able to embrace and revel in the Internet’s benefits and opportunities.

At Qualibooth, we are dedicated to this cause, combining our expertise, innovation, and unwavering commitment to creating a digital landscape that is genuinely accessible and beneficial to all.

Who Benefits From It?

The benefits of improving the e-commerce accessibility act apply to everybody.

For people with disabilities, including those with auditory, motor, or cognitive and visual impairments, accessibility provides easy navigation and interaction and allows them to shop independently and with dignity.

Businesses also benefit from fixing accessibility issues on their websites. When you make your ecommerce store accessible, you immediately tap into a more extensive customer base. This allows people previously excluded from your website to explore your services and make purchases.In addition to that you increase sales, brand reputation and customer loyalty.

Last but not least, society benefits from improved e-commerce accessibility. Creating customer-friendly online environments fosters a sense of belonging, promoting social equality and responsibility. It also helps you to efficiently pass borders that we all created as a society associated with people with disabilities, creating a more inclusive and accepting society.

In summary, improving your ecommerce website is beneficial for people with disabilities by creating safe and easily accessible online shopping experiences. It benefits businesses by doubling their customer base and enhancing their market value and society by promoting inclusivity and equal access.

Animated picture of a woman entering an online sale in a online shop
This image was downloaded from Freepik.com

What Are the Risks of Failing to Follow the Requirements?

Failing to adhere to e-commerce accessibility requirements can pose significant risks to businesses.

Various countries have laws and regulations that require websites and online services to be accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. Failure to comply with these regulations can lead to lawsuits, fines, and damage to your reputation.

Not meeting accessibility standards also leads to a loss of potential customers. People with disabilities represent a significant consumer market, and by excluding them from accessing and using your website and services, businesses miss out on the opportunity to generate revenue.

Inaccessible functions on your store will also harm your company’s reputation and brand image. Customers may perceive a lack of accessibility as a sign of disregard for inclusivity and social responsibility, leading to negative reviews, boycotts, and damage to your brand’s reputation.

Furthermore, if you do not design your e-commerce platforms to be accessible, you may miss out on meaningful opportunities for growth and innovation. Creating accessible e-commerce platforms often requires creative problem-solving, which can improve the user experience for all customers, not just those with disabilities.

How to Make an Accessible E-commerce Website?

Creating an accessible e-commerce website involves a couple of critical steps that you must follow to ensure that all people with disabilities can effectively use and navigate through your website.

Here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Use Accessible Design Principles: Implement straightforward navigation, provide descriptive alternative text on your images and ensure adequate colour contrast between text and background elements.
  • Implement Keyboard Navigation: Make website navigation accessible using keyboard shortcuts for interactive elements like buttons and links.
  • Offer Multiple Means of Access: Multiple input options for website users, including keyboard, mouse, voice commands, and gestures.
  • Make Forms Accessible: Ensure website forms are accessible: use clear labels, instructions and error messages. Form fields should be properly labelled and accessible via keyboard navigation.
  • Ensure Compatibility with Assistive Technologies: Test your websites using assistive technologies, such as screen readers, speech recognition software, and magnification tools.
  • Provide Accessibility Information: Information on website accessibility features and how to use them for users with disabilities.

Working with accessibility experts like Qualibooth, e-commerce businesses can create websites that are inclusive and accessible to all users.

Animated picture of a woman entering an online sale in a online shop
This image was downloaded from Freepik.com.

Things to Keep In Mind and Avoid

When creating an accessible e-commerce website, there are certain things it’s good for you to keep in mind and avoid to ensure that all your users can access and navigate through your site effectively.

Avoid Relying Solely on Color

Color should not be the only means of conveying information on the website. Ensure that important information, such as error messages or action prompts, is also communicated through text or symbols to accommodate users who are colourblind or have low vision.

Avoid Complex Layout

Use a simple and intuitive website layout that is easy to navigate. Avoid using overly complex designs or layouts that may confuse users with cognitive disabilities or make it difficult for screen reader users to understand the content hierarchy.

Avoid Unlabeled Links and Buttons

All links and buttons on the website should have descriptive labels that indicate their purpose or destination. Avoid using generic labels like “click here” or “read more,” as they may not provide enough context for users with assistive technologies.

Animated picture of a woman online shoping for baby products
This image was downloaded from Freepik.com.

Avoid Auto-Playing Media

Avoid auto-playing videos, audio clips, or animations, as they can be disruptive and disorienting for users who rely on screen readers or have sensory sensitivities.

Avoid Non-Responsive Design

Ensure your website is accessible on different devices and screen sizes.


It is vital to ensure that e-commerce websites are accessible to all users, not only because it is a legal requirement but also because it is a human requirement. As a society, we must ensure that everyone is provided equality and access to all the services and products currently on the market.

However, achieving accessibility requires effort and a commitment to best practices. It involves considering the diverse needs of users with disabilities and implementing design and development strategies that prioritise usability and inclusivity.

By following accessibility guidelines, avoiding common pitfalls, and continuously striving for improvement, e-commerce businesses can create e-commerce shopping websites accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can businesses find resources and support for improving e-commerce accessibility?

From organisations specialising in accessibility, online forums and communities, accessibility consultants, and accessibility-focused tools and software like Qualibooth.

What common accessibility barriers should e-commerce websites avoid?

E-commerce websites should avoid common accessibility barriers such as inaccessible forms, poor colour contrast, lack of keyboard navigation options, complex navigation structures, and inaccessible multimedia content.

How can businesses ensure compliance with accessibility standards?

You are following established guidelines such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), conducting regular accessibility audits, training web developers and designers, and staying updated on legal requirements.

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