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Web Accessibility Knowledgebase
August 26, 2024

How to Make Your Media and News Website Accessible

By ensuring that your media and news website is accessible, you meet your ethical and legal obligations and expand your audience reach. News website accessibility enhances the user experience for all visitors and helps people with impairments, including those using mobile devices or experiencing temporary impairments.

In this guide, you will learn about accessibility for news websites and how our valuable insights and tips can help you improve your website.

Animated picture of four people releasing and reading news
Image source: freepik.com

How Does Accessibility Relate to News Websites

News websites must be accessible from the Internet as they are essential global information sources. This guarantees that people with disabilities – like hearing, vision, or mobility impairments – can efficiently access and engage with online material.

Accessibility is a must for several reasons, as this type of websites provide critical information, including current events, updates, and investigations. Ensuring accessibility means that individuals with disabilities have equal access to this information.

But how can you achieve that? News websites may offer a smooth surfing experience to all visitors by incorporating accessibility elements such as keyboard navigation, transcripts for audio material, and alternate text for pictures. As a result, users have a better overall experience and are more likely to visit the website again.

Why Accessibility for News Websites Matters

Making news websites accessible improves user engagement. By implementing accessibility features like alternative text for images, transcripts for audio content, and keyboard navigation, news websites can provide a seamless browsing experience for all users. This creates a positive user experience, encouraging visitors to return to the site regularly.

Web accessibility is very important for news and media websites to effectively communicate information to the public. By ensuring that their platforms are accessible to all users, news organizations uphold principles of inclusivity, equality, and social responsibility.

The United States and the European Union require websites, including media and news platforms, to meet accessibility standards. These standards are mandated by legal requirements such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

What Challenges do Users Face

People with disabilities often encounter different challenges when entering news sites. These challenges can include difficulties reading small text, distinguishing colors, or viewing images without alternative text descriptions, which can affect individuals with visual impairments.

Other challenges such as the lack of proper contrast, unclear fonts, and complex layouts (especially in web and mobile apps) can further impede their ability to navigate and comprehend news content.

For users who are deaf or hard of hearing, news content that relies heavily on audio or video elements without captions or transcripts can be a significant obstacle. Inaccessible multimedia content can isolate these users and prevent them from fully engaging with news stories.

Individuals with motor disabilities, such as limited dexterity or mobility impairments, may find navigating news websites that require precise mouse movements or complex keyboard interactions challenging. Unpredictable keyboard traps, inaccessible forms, or poorly designed navigation menus can hinder their ability to access desired information.

People with cognitive disabilities may have difficulty processing complex language, understanding abstract concepts, or focusing on dense text. News websites that use jargon, convoluted sentences, or lack clear organization may pose significant barriers to these users, affecting their comprehension and engagement with news content.

Users accessing them on older devices or using assistive technologies like screen readers or voice recognition software may encounter compatibility issues or performance limitations. Inaccessible web designs, such as those relying heavily on JavaScript or Flash, may prevent these users from accessing critical news information in their web browsers.

Non-native speakers, individuals with limited literacy skills, or those who prefer simplified language may need help comprehending complex news articles written in formal or technical language. A lack of translations, summaries, or easy-to-understand versions of news content can exclude these users from accessing essential information.

Animated picture of a man listening and reading news updates online
Image source: freepik.com

How to Achieve Accessibility Compliance For Your News Website

Achieving accessibility compliance for your news website involves ensuring all users have equal access to information. To achieve this, you need to address some critical elements.

Here are some key considerations:

  • Content accessibility: Ensure that your news articles are structured in a way that is easy to navigate and understand. Use clear headings, descriptive link texts, and concise summaries to help users quickly grasp the main points of each article.
  • Visual design: Optimize your website’s visual design to accommodate users with visual impairments. This includes using sufficient color contrast, providing resizable text options, and avoiding relying on color alone to convey information.
  • Multimedia accessibility: Ensure all users can access multimedia content, including pictures, videos, and audio files. To guarantee that people with disabilities can access the information offered, provide transcripts for audio content, alternate text for images, and video captions.
  • Keyboard navigation: Because some visitors may rely on keyboard navigation owing to mobility problems, make sure your website is simple to use with just a keyboard. Every interactive element, including buttons and links, must be accessible and controllable with keyboard shortcuts.
  • Forms and interactive elements: Design forms and interactive elements, such as search bars and dropdown menus, with accessibility in mind. Provide clear instructions, error messages, and labels for form fields to help users complete tasks accurately.
  • Mobile accessibility: Ensure your website is accessible on mobile devices, as many users access news content through smartphones and tablets. Optimize layout and navigation for smaller screens, and test your website’s accessibility across different mobile devices and screen sizes.

Last but not least, pay attention to the accessibility testing. You need to regularly test your website for accessibility using automated testing tools and manual evaluation methods. Address any accessibility issues identified during testing promptly, and strive to improve the accessibility of your news website continuously over time.

What to Avoid When Optimizing for Accessibility

Achieving accessibility compliance for your news website requires avoiding common pitfalls and elements that negatively affect the website’s accessibility.

Some things to avoid:

  • Inaccessible multimedia: Only use multimedia content with alternative text, captions, or transcripts when you are creating accessible content online. Without these features, videos, images, and audio files can exclude disabled users from accessing important information.
  • Complex layouts: Avoid website layouts that are overly complex or cluttered, as they can confuse users or hinder navigation. This is especially important for users who rely on screen readers or keyboard navigation. Keep the design simple and intuitive to enhance accessibility.
  • Unclear link text: Avoid using vague or non descriptive link text, such as “click here” or “read more.” Instead, use descriptive phrases that convey the destination or purpose of the link to all users, including those using screen readers.
  • Colour-dependent information: Avoid conveying important information solely through color cues, as this can pose challenges for users with color blindness or low vision. Use additional visual cues like icons or text labels to ensure information is universally accessible.
  • Unstructured content: Only publish articles or content with proper structure, such as headings, subheadings, and paragraphs. Structured content helps users navigate through your web page more quickly and understand the hierarchical organization of information.
  • Form accessibility issues: Do not design forms without proper labels, instructions, or error messages. Users with disabilities rely on clear and consistent form elements to complete tasks accurately, so ensure all form fields are accessible and easy to use.

Also, do not neglect the accessibility of your website on mobile devices. Ensure your website is responsive and optimized for various screen sizes, input methods, and mobile technologies to accommodate users accessing news content on smartphones and tablets.

Animated picture of a woman reading news online and leaving a comment
Image source: freepik.com


Although achieving accessibility compliance may require time, effort, and accessibility resources, the benefits outweigh the challenges. A fully accessible news website expands your audience reach and strengthens your brand reputation as a socially responsible and inclusive platform.

By implementing accessibility best practices, avoiding common pitfalls, and continuously striving to improve accessibility features, you can make a significant difference in your users’ lives and set a positive example for the broader digital community.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some everyday accessibility barriers users face on media and news websites?

People with disabilities may struggle to access news sites due to inaccessible multimedia content, poor contrast, complex navigation, and lack of alternative image text. These barriers can prevent access to vital information.

How can media and news websites ensure accessibility compliance?

Media websites can be made accessible by using accessible design principles, providing alternative text for media, ensuring keyboard accessibility, using semantic HTML markup, and conducting regular accessibility testing.

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