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Web Accessibility Knowledgebase
July 3, 2024

Why Is Color Contrast Accessibility Important?

The importance of color contrast when it regards accessibility shouldn’t be underestimated. It helps everybody, regardless of their ability, to read and understand the content of your website and navigate through it easily and efficiently.

Good color contrast is also important because it makes the text stand out clearly against the background and makes it more readable. It is especially helpful for individuals with visual impairments or color blindness because they find it challenging to see and read low-contrast text.

In the following text, we will help you understand what color contrast is, why it is important to use it on your website and how it benefits you. We will guide you through every step of the process in order to create an accessible and user-friendly website with the best contrast ratio possible.

Animated picture of two man creating a perfect colour contrast ratio for a web page

What Is Color Contrast?

The difference in light between the text (or another visual element) and it’s background colors is called color contrast. This difference makes it look like the text stands out and it makes it easier to be seen and more readable. When you create a high color contrast on your website, you ensure that the content is distinguishable from its background.

This is important when you want to create an accessible website because people with disabilities such as color blindness, visual impairments, or low vision will feel more confident and comfortable while navigating through the pages.

To have a readable and accessible website, you must ensure good color contrast. Black text on a white background, for example, has a good color contrast and makes the body of the text easy to see. Grey text on a dark background has a bad color contrast and makes reading a challenging task.

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) contrast requirements suggest the following:

  • A minimum of at least 7:1
  • For small text at least 4:5:1
  • For large text at least 3:1

Why Does It Matter?

It matters because it directly impacts the readability and usability of digital content. If you improve your color contrast or make it good from the beginning, you ensure that the text and other elements on your web pages are easily distinguishable from their backgrounds.

This way, all of your users, including those with disabilities such as visual impairments or color blindness, can read and understand your content without obstacles. When you have too low contrast you make it challenging for users to see the text. This frustrates your current users, and eventually a big part of your audience.

When you make sure you meet the contrast requirements, you not only upgrade your user’s experience but also comply with the legal and ethical responsibilities we all have. If you fail to meet those requirements, you have a risk of facing serious legal repercussions. You also exclude a wide range of users from the information and services you are providing.

By prioritizing color contrast, you make your website more inclusive and demonstrate a commitment to accessibility and inclusivity.

Animated picture of a man checking a high quality contrast website

What Are the Requirements You Should Follow?

There are regulations and standards in many countries, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), which will present you with the full legal requirements that you should follow in order to create an accessible website.

When it comes to color contrast accessibility standards, you should meet the following requirements:

  • Contrast Ratios – According to WCAG Guidelines you should be at least 7:1 in order to meet level AAA. For small text the contrast ratio should be at least 4.5:1 and for large text (18pt and larger, or 14pt and bold) at least 3:1. For user interface components and graphical objects, the contrast ratio should also be at least 3:1.
  • Color Choices – Use colors that are distinguishable for all users regardless of their disability. The optimal choice for a text or other significant visual content is dark nuances. Use bold text when you want to add weight to the information with the font.
  • Testing tools – Use accessibility testing tools like the WebAIM Contrast Checker, Axe Accessibility Checker, or browser extensions that help assess the color contrast of your website elements. Test the contrast of your website regularly on different devices and lighting conditions in order to be sure that the quality and accessibility you are aiming to provide are consistent.
  • Comply with guidelines – Follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, which provide detailed criteria for contrast requirements and other accessibility standards. Aim to meet at least the AA level of compliance, which covers the essential color contrast requirements.

These are the basic requirements that you must meet in order to make your website accessible for users with various visual impairments and improve the overall user experience.

Animated picture of a various web pages

How Do You Test Your Website?

There are a series of steps you must follow to test your website’s accessibility. You need to ensure it meets all the established standards and regulations and provides a good user experience for people with disabilities.

Here is a list of the main methods of testing you can use to test your website:

  • Automated Tools – Automated tools scan your website for the most common accessibility errors that may occur. They provide you with a quick overview and highlight areas that need to be improved.
  • Manual Testing – You must make sure that all the interactive elements are easily accessible with the keyboard. This way you will know for a fact that users are able to navigate through the site using the keyboard. Test with screen readers and contrast checkers also for optimal success in accessibility.
  • User Testing – Hire people with disabilities to test your website. They will provide you with real insights into the usability and accessibility that automated and manual testing might miss. Gather feedback from first-hand experience, making sure you are meeting all the criteria.
  • Checklist and Guidelines – Follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 or later. Use checklists like the one that WCAG provides to systematically go through each of the requirements.
  • Browser Extensions – Install browser extensions that will help you identify accessibility errors and suggest improvements. These types of tools will be really helpful for the developers who are trying to integrate accessibility checks into their work.

When you follow these steps and combine the methods we gave you above, you scan your website completely for potential and existing accessibility issues and create a usable and inclusive website.

Animated picture of man and woman creating an accessible website

Risks of Having Bad Color Contrast on Your Website

Having poor contrast on your website leads to a lot of bad scenarios. The overall quality of your website and your user’s experience drops, but that is not the only thing that comes as a result of it. It affects both users and businesses, and it is important to avoid it at all costs.

Here are some key risks from low-quality contrast on your website:

  • Accessibility issues – Users who have visual disabilities will be challenged to read text with insufficient contrast.
  • Legal compliance risks – Non-compliance with standards and regulations will result in legal actions against you, fines, and eventually-damage to your business reputation.
  • User experience – Low-quality color contrast on your website will lead to frustrated users who cannot navigate through it freely and completely.
  • Brand perception – Accessibility is viewed as a reflection of your business’s inclusivity and dedication to users. If you don’t address your accessibility issues, this can be perceived as neglectful or exclusive and eventually damage your brand reputation.
  • SEO impact – Search engines consider user experience factors in their ranking algorithms. Websites that have a low contrast and are difficult to read will rank lower in search results.
  • Lost revenue – When your users can’t read your content or interact with your features effectively, they won’t make purchases, sign for newsletters, or fill out contact forms.

Improving your color contrast and accessibility is a step that will significantly upgrade your overall website outlook and your user experience.


Ensuring high quality contrast on your website is one of the essentials that you must do in order to create inclusive and user-friendly online space. It will upgrade the accessibility for users with visual impairments and overall user experience.

It will not only save you from fines or other legal issues but will also help you demonstrate your commitment to inclusivity and positively impact your business reputation.

Improving color contrast will boost user engagement, decrease bounce rates, and potentially enhance SEO performance, leading to higher visibility and more conversions. By prioritizing color contrast accessibility, you create a welcoming space for all users and contribute to the success of your website.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common mistakes in color contrast accessibility?

Using colors with low contrast, relying solely on color to convey information, and not testing for visual impairments.

How can I improve color contrast on my website?

Choose colors that provide a high level of contrast between text and background.

What are the benefits of good color contrast accessibility?

It helps meet legal requirements, improves user experience, increases engagement, and can positively impact your site’s SEO and brand reputation by showing a commitment to accessibility and inclusivity.

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